Lentil/Flax Bids

  LairdL #2 –     $.70/lb

  RichleaL #2 –    $.65/lb

  EstonL X2 –       $.60/lb

RedL #2 –         $.35/lb

  Brown Flax –      $16.50/bu

*Prices are guidelines only. All bids are subject to change without notice. 

Pea Bids

  GreenP #2 –    $16.50/bu

Yellow Pea #2  – $11.40/bu 

Maple Pea #2   – $call 

ChickP – $call

*Prices are guidelines only. All bids are subject to change without notice. 

New Crop

GreenP #2 –  $14

Yellow Peas #2 – $11.00/bu

LairdL #2 – $0.55/lb

RichleaL #2 – $0.50/lb

Brown Flax – $16.50/bu

US Dollar estimated exchange Rate  1.36%

Sample Tray

*Prices are guidelines only. All bids are subject to change without notice.